Below are some useful links, resources and FAQS. Can't find what you need? contact us.

What is involved in Hosting?

The first step is talking to us to introduce your brand so we can design the travel assistant to suit your audience. Next we complete onboarding, build your inclusions and create your Host code. With your subscription now live, Hosts can share their Host Code with travellers to deliver travel assistance.

Do you offer monthly Hosting?

Due to the complexity of setting up a Host's travel assistant, we do not offer monthly subscriptions. Annual Hosts are able to pay monthly for $99/month however there is still a 12 month minimum contract.

What is the cost of Hosting?

Annual Hosts are charged a subscription fee of $899 per year. If you are a short-term Host, you will be charged a one-time subscription fee of $299 for 90 days profit share from traveller purchases. If you are a large organisation and/or have multiple locations, we can create a custom enterprise solution to suit your needs.

Can I change my travel assistant?

Yes, you are able to update your Joystic travel assistant at any time. To make any content changes, please complete the form above or email us at with your company name, Host code and the changes you wish to make.

How and when do Hosts get paid?

Hosts will be paid automatically on the terms set at onboarding. This can be monthly, quarterly or annually. We will direct transfer you the total profit share amount for the period and provide a full remittance advice highlighting the bookings your travel assistant made during the period.

Can I add products to Joystic?

Absolutely. If you know of additional products you wish to sell through Joystic, please let us know at We will contact the supplier on your behalf and offer them the opportunity to list their products in our app and be sold through our network of Hosts. Please note in order for our marketplace to be viable, we maintain a minimum purchase price of $20.

What if someone wants product not in the app?

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How do I promote my Joystic travel assistant?

The customer journey for travellers using Joystic is different for every Host. During onboarding, we will help determine the best way to introduce your travel assistant at the time most useful to travellers. It is important you share your Host Code along with the app so that travellers can access your travel assistant. This can be done online or in-person, before, during or after their trip. Please note any printing of digital assets will be at the Host's own expense.

Keen to become a Host?

Contact Sales